"Only Ex-Corrupted Candidates Abandoned by Prabowo Can Now Call Up Stage 4 Corruption"


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The secretary of the national campaign team Jokowi-Ma 'ruf, Hasto Kristiyanto, said that there was a discrepancy between the speech of the presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto in Singapore regarding the corruption in Indonesia.

At a forum, Prabowo said that corruption in Indonesia was comparable to stage four cancer.

Hasto said that Prabowo's speech aimed at reducing corruption did not correspond to the internal attitude of his party.

"So people see the difference between rhetoric and real action, which we regret, we can not dismiss the former candidate for corruption, Mr. Prabowo, and then we say we're at stage 4 of the corruption, "Hasto told Cemara Post, Jakarta, Thursday 11/29. / 2018).

Read also: KPU refuses candidates for corruption as former candidates for corruption in Gerindra and PKS

Hasto questioned Prabowo's attitude that former candidates for the post of corruptor of the Gerindra party had not been wiped out. In fact, Prabowo could do it easily.

On September 28, 2018, the KPU denied Gerindra's statement that he had crossed candidates for the positions of former corruptors on the Permanent Candidate List (CSD).

On the basis of information from KPU, The Gerindra party still has six candidates among the former bribers.

"He speaks like that abroad." Butmanage Gerindra, Mr. Prabowo did not dare to wipe out those with legal problems, "he said.

Read also: The KPU plans to announce the names of candidates for ex-corruption on the official website

Hasto thought, Prabowo's speech did not reflect the pride of the country. However, he added, future leaders must strengthen the dignity of their country.

"You can not say that the story about things is not right, especially by the presidential candidates," Hasto said.

While attending the "Gala Dinner 2019" organized by The Economist magazine at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Singapore on Tuesday (27/12/2018), Mr. Prabowo said that corruption in Indonesia is like cancer at stage 4.

He also mentioned the questions of people who were easily corrupted to choose certain candidates for the election.

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