Only Rp 1 Million, Here are Advan G2 Plus Durable Smartphone Specs


<img width = "696" height = "391" clbad = "entry-thumb td-modal-image" src = " G2-Plus-Duo-696×391.jpg "srcset ="×391.jpg 696w, https: // smeaker. com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Advan-G2-Plus-Duo-300×168.jpg 300w, .jpg 700w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" Advan G2 Plus Duo
Copyright © Tribunnews – There are not long ago one of the local smartphone companies, Advan just launched its newest device given the name Advan G2 Plus This smartphone came with the jargon of "Bagus Smartphone" because its performance is qualified to meet the needs of each user.

One of the main points of the superior is the composition of the batteries.For the users are satisfied Smartphone, Advan G2 Plus is presented with a 4000 mAh battery component that is supposed to be able to survive for 12 hours of use.

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Then for the problem of the screen 5.7 inches HD + with 18: 9 aspect ratio of FullView is certainly the users will be more satisfied when you play games and watch activities

  Advan G2 Plus Duo
Regarding performance issues, Advan G2 Plus comes with a component component processor Mediatek 6737 Quad-Core with 1.3GHz frame rate and internal capacity 3GB RAM and a storage capacity of 32GB. By storing these components, users can already enjoy the application is quite heavy without any offset constraints . Then for the operating system that works is Android 8.0 Oreo.

Know Yuk: Proud Menkominfo, Advan Able to build the Smartphone factory in the world-clbad homeland!

Well, users will enjoy the latest excellent feature of Full Gesture through Android OS Oreo this. You guys later come back to the main menu, just go from one finger up and down to return to the main menu. Then, to return to the previous or next page, just swipe left or right only.

In addition, Tjandra Lianto, Director of Advan Marketing, reveals, "The image in the image allows us to navigate with Google Maps or a video call with Google Duo while doing other activities.

Then in matters of photography, Advan G2 Plus is equipped with a main camera with a resolution of 13MP f / 2.0 equipped with the Pro mode function, while the selfie camera is pinned namely an 8MP f / 2.2 lens that supports the features of the portrait bokeh mode as well. The price is also not too expensive, for smartphones with specifications like this the users can get it only with the price of Rp 1.899.000, – at the first Flash sale to Shopee on July 30 of tomorrow . In addition to Advan G2 Plus, users will also have flash OTG Sandisk 16GB and Telkomsel data package.Also read: List of Latest HP Advan Android Price this Month

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