KOMPAS.com – Apple AirPods will have a competitor of a smartphone maker from the Bamboo Curtain State. The seller Oppo, announces that he will be releasing a wireless headset called O-Free in August.
O-Free will be the first wireless receiver that uses the chipset Qualcomm QCC3026. Armed with this chip 19459007, the sound produced is considered excellent, while being able to reduce energy consumption up to 50%.
Qualcomm QCC3026 produced for sellers of smartphones the cost of manufacturing headphones wirelessly. Because it's not to make its own chip from scratch, the price of wireless headphones manufactured by smartphone sellers can be removed.
Oppo claims headphones this wireless has endurance The battery is capable, reaching more than 16 hours of use, according to information compiled KompasTekno Android Authority Sunday (1/7/2018).
See also: Complete Prices and Specifications Oppo Find X
O-free can also be used with non-Oppo connected bluetooth devices. However some features will only appear if they are badociated with Oppo phones.
In his native country, Oppo O-Free is charged 699 yuan or about 1.5 million rupees. The carbon version of the wireless headphones is delivered free of charge in Lamborghini's Oppo Find X sales package.
Compared to Apple AirPods, the Oppo O-free band is rather cheaper. The latest anti-aircraft AirPods to be launched in 2019 will reach a price range of US $ 159, equivalent to 2.2 million rupiahs. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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Tags AirPods Apple competitors OFree OPPO quotHeadphonesquot Wireless