BANDA ACEH, KOMPAS.com – Until Wednesday (07/04/2018), the governor of Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf, is still in the Aceh police after the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK) has picked up the person in his official house. Between the two, Irwandi Yusuf is placed in a room of the Special Criminal Investigations Branch. However, it is not known where Irwandi Yusuf was at the police station.
Previously, the KPK team had chosen Irwandi Yusuf at the official home of Aceh Governor, Banda Aceh, on Tuesday evening (3/7/2018).
The government of Aceh is located in Polda Aceh. Until Wednesday morning, there was no official statement from the KPK or the Aceh police
See also: OTT KPK, History of the House of Representatives Bener Meriah
Up to now, there has been no official statement Irwandi Yusuf
Since Tuesday night, information has circulated that the governor of & Mer andi andi [[[[[[IrIrIrIrIrIrIrAcehIrwandiYusufwastakentoJakartaHoweverafterwaitingforthefirstAcehflightscheduleWednesdaybeforedawnAcehGovernorIrwandiYusufwbadtillattheAcehPoliceDepartment
as well as the next flight around 07:30 WIB, Irwandi Yusuf would still be in the investigation room. Special Crimes of the Aceh Regional Police
Previously, the KPK had arrested two regional chiefs in Aceh and several others during a hand-held arrest operation
Suspicious Transactions Involving two chiefs of the region project
See also: OTT KPK in Aceh, 10 persons protected
"In addition to these two regional chiefs, there were eight persons Others are secure, "said Agus Rahajo
Kompas TV The KPK suspects that there was a budget-related transaction involving the (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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