PAN Feel Honoré Amien Rais supported by the Coalition of Civil Society – VIVA


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VIVA – The National Mandate Party (PAN) or PAN is honored by the decision of the Madani Coalition to encourage Amien Rais as a candidate for the presidency. The Coalition of Civil Society is also supported by the Association of Alumni 212.

"Of course, it's an honor, it's an honor, thanks," said the president of the PAN, Zulkifli Hasan, at a meeting in Parliament on July 1, 2018. [19659004] The support of the Coalition of Civil Society, he said, is not a political stance that must to be a problem for the training of the candidates of his party. But he was reluctant to deepen PAN's official position in the presidential election.

Zulkifli also declined to comment on Amien Rais' chances of becoming a presidential candidate with this support. He only represents his party to express his gratitude for his support for Amien who is now chairman of the PAN's Honorary Council. "We thank you."

Regarding the leadership of his party's coalition before the presidential elections, there is 2019, said Zulkifli, which will be determined by the end of July 2018. He refuses to give the little idea of ​​PAN's current political trend. ! –


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