VIVA – Good news comes from the Cendana family. Panji Trihatmodjo, son of Bambang Trihatmodjo and Halimah Agustina Kamil, will soon finish his celibacy. He is going to marry his deceased girlfriend, Varsha Strauss. Their wedding invitations are already circulating on social media.
Panji and Varsha wedding invitations have posted a gossip account @ lambe_turah. In the invitation, we know, Panji and Varsha will organize a wedding reception on August 4, 2018, from 19:00 to 21:00. Unfortunately, the location of the reception is closed.
In the invitation, it is also unclear exactly when the marriage contract of the couple took place. Seeing the invitation, many citizens who claim to have heartbroken.
" Terpotek my heart " said one of the warganet. " The same woman who became her daughter ," said another. " honestly, I have a broken heart ," said the other. " Sad, as sliced ", said the other. " The brother was expected by neng, even married to Caucasians ," said the others.
However, there are also many citizens who mention the name of Mayangsari and wonder if Mayang will be invited to the event [19659006] It may be that the mba was invited, never shoved " said another. " Mayang who could be involved in this event "said the other." "", said the other. " He must have been invited ," said another citizen. 19659005]
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