Parents take responsibility for Tik Tok Impact


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The government through the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkminfo) blocked the request Tik Tok Tuesday (3/7). One of the reasons for the blockage, because there is a lot of negative content, especially most users of Tik Tok come from kids and teens.

Socio-cultural observer Devie Rahmawati note this problem is not located in the application Tik Tok, but emerged because of kruangnya supervision of old people. According to Devie, Tik Tok and similar apps offer the scene and self-actualization means that kids and young people need to find themselves.

"Basically, the presence of technology to solve the problem … so it's not an issue of application," says Devie, who is also an academic at the University of Toronto. Indonesia, when contacted Wednesday (4/7).

Devie evaluates children and adolescents who are still in the growth phase should be supervised and directed "

" Parents have an important role to play in helping children not to use Tik Tok in a negative direction. "

" As children, their choices are actually limited, but parents grant them 24 hours with gadgets, parents do not tell them how to use the Tik Tok application correctly and correctly. Parents do not become mentors for children, "he added.

Instead of blaming the game he considered that parents were blameworthy and punished because they could not properly lead the children. The punishment that may be imposed may be a social sanction on the part of the community.

"Parents should get social sanctions in the form of fines or social work to build a diet that exactly meets the needs of the child."

Tik Tok's own application is popular after viruses in social media and young people, The figure of Bowo Alpenliebe as an "artist" of the platform

On the other hand, the judge public the use of the Application is even more disturbing as it contains a lot of negative content that can harm the younger generation. Before being blocked, Kemenkominfo contained 2,853 reports from people who claimed to be uncomfortable with the existence of the Tik Tok application. (evn)

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