PDI-P Reviews from Suharto, Working on Tangent Era Soekarno and Megawati


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The secretary of the working group for Priyo Budi Santoso asked the PDI-P not to find fault with the time of the second president of Soeharto. He emphasized that each direction must have positive and negative sides.

"Later, the charge against Bung Karno was revealed to Ms. Mega when the power was revealed again.This is not finished and I did not wish to convey a similar point of view," said Priyo at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta, Thursday (29/11/2018).

This was forwarded by Priyo in response to PDI-P deputy secretary general, Ahmad Basarah, who called Suharto his professor of corruption.

Read also: Secretary General of Employment: Pak Harto leads a simple life, but it can be said that he is a professor of corruption.

Priyo denied Basarah's accusations. He also pointed out that to date, there is no legal proof that Suharto has perpetrated 32 years of corruption in Indonesia.

Priyo felt that the leadership of each president should be viewed positively.

"Bung Karno's services were excellent, I could not bear to show the sad aspects of his administration, how there was a betrayal of the PKI, how the scholars, Buya Hamka, were imprisoned," said Priyo.

"It is important to highlight the formidable service side of the leaders, not because only the interests of the political response are momentary, so we must use such methods," added the former head of the DPR.

Earlier, Basarah said, rampant corruption in Indonesia began since the era of President Soeharto. Therefore, he called Suharto a professor of corruption in Indonesia.

Read also: Jokowi Timings: corruption professor Soeharto, former father-in-law of Prabowo

This was conveyed by Basarah in response to the statement of presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto, who said that corruption in Indonesia was comparable to stage four cancer.

"Thus, the teacher of Indonesian corruption, according to MPR-TAP number 11 of 1998, was former president Soeharto and ex-brother-in-law Pak Prabowo," said Basarah after having participated in discussions at the Megawati Institute in Menteng, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/28/2018).

According to him, in referring to the problem of corruption, Prabowo allegedly sprayed his back with water and his face. The reason, he said, is that Prabowo was part of the New Order's power.

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