PDP politicians did not take seriously the speech on JK-AHY Duet Discourse


Utut estimates that political parties are currently simulating the paslon for the presidential election.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (IDP) is reluctant to respond to the speech of the Democratic Party, which wants to menduetkan Jusuf Kalla (JK) of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) in the election Presidential election of 2019. Utek Adianto of the PDIP considers the current political party in the middle phase of the simulation of the candidate pairs for the presidential election

"If everyone is now in the scene Si c & # 39; is the same thing about how in Grbad Roots how .This again tested everything, a little too early commented, "says Utut in Komplek. Parliament, Senayan, Monday (2/7).

According to him, it will not be long before political parties begin to make their choice, considering the steps of the registration of the presidential election closer. "It is that does not last long, the month of August already has the answer," he said.

Therefore, the Deputy Speaker of the House is also reluctant to indicate whether the JK-AHY speech becomes an election threat for President Joko Widodo as his party will set up a strong team to recover Jokowi

"If yes , I have difficulty answering, ask Mr. Jokowi, but if on our side, we will organize the team we badume and believe in the victory, "says Utut.

See also: Golkar Assbadin: Do not Force Duet Speech JK-AHY

Formerly, Democratic Party Secretary General Hinca Panjaitan admitted to the feast of JK and AHY. These two names emerged as a pair when the party held a poll among the executives.

According to him, the proposal of the framework is reasonable because the party also needs a contribution from the inside. However, the Democrats have not decided anything yet. "Until the party decides A, all the cadres come in. Of course, everyone will ask for their opinion for the next 40 days. "

While Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen), Muhammad Sarmuji, talks about the Democratic Party's speech. with Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono being part of the Democratic Party's strategy for the upcoming presidential election. Sarmuji suggested that the Democratic Party does not force JK to reappear in the 2019 presidential election. That's because JK said he wanted to Tut Wuri Handayani and encourage young people to play

"Do not force not Mr. JK to come back and his spirit is still needed, but if he refers to his own statement, he wants to Tut Wuri Handayani, to contribute by encouraging the younger ones to perform, "said Sarmuji.

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