Merdeka.com – The secretary of the health office (Dinkes) of Pamekasan, East Java, said Ali Maksum, that people with the human immunodeficiency virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV / AIDS) in this area increased compared to 2017. The Pamekasan health office noted that 74 people had contracted HIV / AIDS from January until October of this year.
"Until October 2018, 74 people living with HIV / AIDS were living in Pamekasan, while in 2017, they were 67," he told Pamekasan, quoted by Antara on Wednesday (11 / 28).
Ali Maksum explained the results of the detection of people with HIV / AIDS carried out so far by licensed doctors in Pamekasan. "Compared to 2017, there are more than seven people, because in 2017, there were only 67," he said.
He said that the number of people living with HIV / AIDS in Pamekasan was known thanks to the results of medical examinations facilitated by the Pamekasan Health Unit.
This does not preclude the possibility, he said, that there are still unknown patients, as the number of people living with HIV / AIDS only affects those who carry out the procedure. examination. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
According to Ali Maksun, HIV can significantly reduce the immune system, allowing diseases, bacteria, viruses and other infections to attack the patient's body.
This type of virus does not look like other viruses because the affected body will remain in the patient's body all his life.
Meanwhile, AIDS is the most serious disease of HIV and is characterized by the emergence of other diseases, such as cancer and various infections, that occur at the same time as the weakening of your immune system.
According to Maksum, several factors are behind the transmission of the disease, including deviant behaviors such as homobaduality, spousal and drug users through needles using syringes of other people living with HIV / AIDS.
At the same time, Pamekasan Regency Health Bureau Secretary Ali Maksum said the government has provided free antiretroviral drugs to people living with HIV / AIDS.
The presence of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) can relieve people living with HIV / AIDS, but has not been able to eradicate the disease. Therapy is provided through therapy, routine and discipline to help improve the quality of life and prolong the lives of those affected.
Regular ARV therapy is very important for people living with HIV because it will reduce the amount of HIV in the body while maintaining immunity.
According to Maksum, taking antiretroviral drugs for people with HIV will prevent transmission to others, prevent AIDS symptoms, maintain productivity, and improve quality of life.
In the past, all PHAs could not start ARV treatment (only PLHIV with certain clinical requirements). Now, with the development of clinical research on ARVs, it is possible for PVVL to start treatment as early as possible without worrying about their clinical status.
"This is because research shows that ARVs have beneficial effects on the health and survival of patients," he said. [ray]
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