KOMPAS.com – Coach Persib Bandung is reshaping his team. He released two players, Wildansyah and Billy Keraf. Assistant coach Mario Gomez, Fernando Soler, reveals that
Wildansyah is a defending player while Billy operates behind the scenes.
"Wildansyah and Billy have moved to another team in Indonesia, said yesterday to them, already there is a license also Okay, they are looking for another place to play than to stay here," said Soler at the sports stadium. Jabar Arcamanik, Tuesday (03/07/2018), quoted BolaSport.com from Tribun Jabar.
(Read also: Mario Gomez will lend 5 Persib players, these 8 candidates)
Indeed, both players get a few minutes of play in Persib. Mario Gomez will also entrust the wing lines to Febri Hariyadi and Ghozali Siregar. Meanwhile, Mario Gomez plays more often Victor Igbonefo and Bojan Malisic
Soler also ensures that the selection of Wildfire Ramdani players will be recruited for the second round.
"There Wildan enter (contract) Friday or Thursday, do not know where to start There will be two other players," he said.
Soler also revealed that Persib will come new players. This was done to replace Wildansyah and Billy. (Metta Rahma Jasmine)
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