Pilkada 2018 Pillow Aroma – VIVA


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VIVA – The Minister of the Interior, Tjahjo Kumolo, said that the government fully supports all the steps until the 2018 simultaneous election. Implementation of the pilkada went well

KPU, Bawaslu, going from the central level to the TPS level in 171 regions of the provincial level, Kota to the district can proceed smoothly, without disruption, "said Tjahjo when APEL Kemel Kemendagri and BNPP commemorate the Pancasila Pancasila in Monas, Jakarta, Friday June 29, 2018.

Tjahjo added that simultaneous voting in 171 regions can also work well thanks to the help of the staff of Polri security, TNI, BIN, Satpol PP, and Damkar who work in an integrated and professional way.

"Mr. Jokowi's government has conducted this year three simultaneous elections, 268 districts in 2015, 101 districts in 2017 and now 171. Only one step away, next year is the electoral process, RDP, RDP and RI elect together the president and the vice president, "he said.

Despite his previous experience of the pilkada, Tjahjo admitted that the election of 2018 is different from the previous pilkada. The political mood is more dynamic because close to the presidential election of 2019.

"The elections are simultaneous this year, despite the choice of regional leaders but the aroma is already scented and presidential, but our society is mature enough so that there is no lesser disturbance. " "

" As in Papua, at Jayawijaya there are still some ripples, I think it's still a reasonable step and almost everything is already can be solved well the pilkadanya process, "Tjahjo said. [19659006] The government has called on the public to remain calm in response to fast counting results, and pending the official counting results of the Electoral Commission (KPU).

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