PJB President, Director & Watches Research at his Office


JawaPos.com – The Investigation Team of the Commission to Eradicate Corruption continues to seek additional evidence to strengthen the process of investigation of the case of corruption of the project PLTU Riau 1, which resulted in the vice president of Commission VII Eni Maulani Saragih.

Until Tuesday (July 17th), around 00:50, research is still in progress at the PJB Indonesia Power office in Jalan Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta and PLN headquarters.

"Unfinished (ongoing research)," said KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah when he confirmed JawaPos.com Tuesday (17/7) early in the morning. However, soon after, around 13:07, after about six hours of research in a number of places in the PJB Indonesia Power office, a number of KPK investigators left the building.

  The KPK Building
Gedung KPK Merah Putih (Dery Ridwansyah / JawaPos.com)

According to Febri, research conducted at PJB Indonesia Power's office was witnessed by senior company officials : "In PJB his president has come,". Similarly in the office of PLN.

From monitoring on the research site, a number of media teams are not allowed to cover the search process by the local building security. While some of these coolies can only wait for the search process from outside the building.

It is known that antirasuah agencies are currently conducting research in three different locations, namely the PLN office, Workspace tersihka Eni Maulani Saragih in the House of Representatives and the PJB Indonesia Power office. The research was conducted to seek additional evidence to strengthen the investigation process against the suspects Vice Chairman of the Commission VII DPR Eni Maulani Saragih and Johannes Buditrisno Kotjo as the party of corruption.

Earlier, the Commission had appointed two suspects, Eni Maulani Saragih (EMS) a member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (PDR) and Johannes Buditrisno Kotjo (JBK) a shareholder of Blackgold Natural Resources Limited as a bribe .

In this case, as a member of the House of Representatives, Eni was called to accept the pledge of an amount of Rp 4.8 billion from Johannes who was a private party. This receipt is made four times with different nominal and the last receipt of money by Eni rising to Rp 500 million. The money was then confiscated and used as evidence by KPK investigators.

As a recipient, Eni is suspected of having violated Article 12 letters a or b or Article 11 of Law 31/1999 on the eradication of corruption as as amended by Law 20/2001 pursuant to Article 55 (1) of the Penal Code.

Johannes, a private party, is suspected of having violated an article violating Article 5 paragraph (1) a or b or Article 13 of Law 31/1999 on l & # 39; eradication of corruption as amended by Law 20/2001. ] (ipp / JPC)

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