PKB promises the job guard Arinal-Chusnunia to Lampung

[ad_1] – The Arinal Djunaidi-Chusnunia pair said the winner of Lampung Pilgub based on the rapid count of a number of investigative institutes. The couple was promoted by Golkar, PKB and PAN. "We have successfully pbaded the Lampung Democratic Party and now it is time for us to unite to help the people of Lampung to carry out the 5-year construction," said the chairman of the Central Executive Council elections office ( DPP) PKB, Daniel. Johan via a written declaration on Friday (29/6).

Daniel hopes that all parties will forget the arguments and friction that arise during the implementation of Pilgub Lampung. It is time to build together Lampung in a province of dignity, prosperity and prosperity

"Once again I say, to all the political parties that participated in the Lampung Pilgub competition, we thank them and thank them, "said Daniel.

According to Daniel, a well established cooperation, God willing, will be able to bring prosperity to the people of Lampung

"To the people of Lampung we thank and promise to escort this Arinal couple -Chusnunia to be the leader of Lampung, to nurture, listen to and realize the ideals of the people of Lampung, "said Daniel.

Daniel added, the campaign promise of this couple was recorded Lampung people and must be carried out. "The people of Lampung have peacefully and seriously made their choice democratically, and this result should be respected as the choice that will determine the fate of the people of Lampung in the next 5 years," he said.

He does not forget to thank all the volunteers and PKB cadres who worked hard to win all the candidates who led the party in the direct election of the Regional Chief (Pilkada) 2018. [19659002] "It's hard work, dedication and a struggle to win couples who have carried PKB very proud." IV [Chambre des Représentants]

Daniel revealed that PKB is happy to attend a peaceful electoral process without SARA policy and democratically held.

"We are grateful to the election organizers from KPPS, PPS, KDP, Election Commission as well as the supervision of elections at all levels of their respective functions." From PPL to Bawaslu, "uc

PKB also expressed gratitude for the prayer support provided by the extended family of NU, the autonomous body (Banom) and all the guardians of the struggles pesantren, kiai, masyayikh and muharrik who did everything to win the spouse candidates who carried PKB (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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