Polda DIY attacked the destruction of the Bantul District Court Office


Merdeka.com – Polda DIY names three suspects for a case of destruction in the Bantul District Court building (PN). In addition to naming three suspects, the Yogyakarta Regional Police is still looking for intellectuals behind the destruction of the Bantul District Court.

Kombes Pol Hadi Utomo, director of the Yogyakarta Regional Police Headquarters, said three suspects had been arrested. in the Bantul District Court. Currently, Hadi said his camp is still looking for people who ordered the destruction of PN Bantul.

"Apparently he comes from a mbad organization that ordered him.It's still an investigation.On the results of the review said Hadi Yogyakarta police headquarters Friday (29/6).

Hadi promised that his party will investigate the case of destruction in the Bantul District Court. He said he would not tolerate the acts of Anarchism.

"There are those who have ordered (suspects), for which up to now the investigation process has not been completed.I have l & rsquo; Anarchism, I have to act, "said Hadi, was arrested in the Bantul police station was threatened with Article 170 of the Criminal Code on the destruction of goods with the threat of 5-year sentence and 3 months

"Article 170 because we do not find senpi or sharp weapon to the investigator later, we learn if it can be used as evidence, then we will use," explained Hadi.

Hadi added to the penguruh or intellectual figures who are still in this investigation will be charged section 55 jo article 170 KUHP with threat sentence 5 years 6 months imprisonment

Like previously reported, PN Bantul was damaged by members of mbad organizations Thursday (28/6). Doni Bimo Saptoto

Doni was accused of violating Article 335, paragraph 1 of the Penal Code and sentenced to five months' imprisonment with a nine-month prison trial. The verdict was rendered by the jury because mbad organizations headed by Doni have dissolved the exhibition of posters and paintings and discussions commemorating the International Press Day held on May 8, 2017. [19659003] Due to the destruction of several facilities damaged by PN Bantul. These damages include the lobby of the glbad room, the LED TV that usually serves to display the trial agenda, the safety guard pickets, the visitors to the chair and the flower pots. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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