Police dismantle union sellers in China


Merdeka.com – Dozens of women are believed to be victims of the crime of human trafficking (TPPO) in China under a contract marriage. The authors sought victims in some suburbs in some areas with intermediaries.

The West Java police chief, Inspector General of Police Budi Maryoto, said to have set up several suspects, a woman with the initials TDD aka V and a man of Chinese origin . GCS aka AKI. While other Chinese citizens berinisial TMK still fleeting.

Syndicate that has been running since December 2017 was initially communicated through the message telegram application. After the speech on the command of women, the Chinese came to Indonesia

TDD and YH then search for women in the West Java village, such as Purwakarta, Sukabumi and Kabupaten Bandung. In addition, the research of their wives reached Tangerang, Jakarta East Java and Central Java

. The victims promised to get married and live comfortably with Chinese citizens for a high monthly fee. In addition, can go home two months. After finding the victim, the suspect immediately reached an agreement with the parents, giving him 10 million rupees.

After the agreement, the victims were collected at Green Hills Apartment, in DKI Jakarta, and completed the departure document. successful recruits. Of this number, 12 of them were sent to China. The others were rescued by the police

"Someone was rescued, they escaped from the shelters in the green apartments, they were told that their friends sent there (China) were promised differently from reality ". , Soekarno Hatta Street, Bandung City, Thursday (26/7/2018).

"12 ladies take off in China.This is why the use of two interpol channels because the interpool is not G to G but Police to Police. (19659003 ) The West Java Police is currently coordinating with related parties in China, including providing the West Java police numbers to the victims.The Indonesian Embbady and the LSO Liaison Officer have already treated the liberation of the victims.

Victims, Agung called domestic violence, for example when they wanted to rest but that they were told to work. "So we expect that the embbady in China immediately provide training, incidentally, this is not our domain, but the central area, so we expect the center gives "

Recognition of suspects, the victims are not used as bad workers, they are married. However, after two or three months, the victim is married to another person.
Agung will explore the number of victims, because he is not convinced by the statement of the suspect who claims to have only 18 women

and at the time of the woman's positioning, they are forced to forced labor. This detail of forced labor, we are there. There is one who is under 15, our consent is returned, "he added

. cell phone, rupiah and Yuan, KTP, account book, pbadport, three stamp duty, duplicate the victim's personal documents and duplicate parent agreement.

Suspects are charged with suspected criminal trafficking and / or child protection, as provided for in Section 2 and / or Section 3 and or Section 4 and / or Article 6 and or Article 10 and / or Article 11 of the Act RI 21 of 2007 on the eradication of acts of pid Article 88 of Act n. ° 35 of 2014 on the protection of children against trafficking in human beings

"His sentence is over 15 years in prison," he concluded. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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