Police do not call air attack but restart with KKB


TIMIKA, KOMPAS.com – Papua police chief public affairs officer High Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa Kamal denies TNI-Polri's air attack on the armed group Kriminal (KKB), Aluguru Kampong, Kenyam District, Nduga District, Papua, Wednesday (7/11/2018).

Kamal said that there was only a shootout between Brimob's staff and KKB.

Kamal explained that before the shooting, around 23:17, a police-owned helicopter that was preparing to bring food to staff from several posts in Kampung Aluguru was shot dead by the group.

As a result, the helicopter could not land and decided to return to the Keyam District Police Station

because at that time, there had been a shooting between the Brimob forces and KKB

Read also: – Shot of KKB, a police expressed

"Due to the situation does not allow the police helicopter to return to the Nduga police station, "Kamal said in a statement Thursday (12/7/2018). was again flown in to deliver food, but was fired, resulting in an exchange of fire between Brimob staff and KKB.

"A police helicopter returns to the Nduga police station and arrives safely, contact with the fire still takes place until 17:00 WIT," he said.

Kamal baderted that there was no helicopter fire on the group, let alone until the bombing.

"The incident of yesterday, there was no helicopter firing at Group Armed Crimes, let alone bombing," he said.

The existence of police helicopters in the Nduga district, Kamal said:

Read Also: Censorship of hysterical family welcomes the bodies of victims of KKB shooting victims in Papua

As the evacuation of the victims of the shooting of Brimob personnel on July 6.

While the existence of police officers in Nduga district, to enforce the law against perpetrators of crime, both against members of the police and civil society since last June.

"He was informed that there were some KKBs in Nduga District, one of them headed by Egianus who joined yesterday to others. groups that were behind the Alguru Kampung element when there was contact with the fire ".

Regarding the circulation of the problem of bombing Kampung Aluguru circulating in social media, Kamal insists that this is not true alias hoaks. Because the incident is a forest fire in Central Kalimantan Province.

"Today, the situation in Nduga district is safe and favorable," he said.

Kompas TV The suspect has already attacked and murdered 6 members of Brimob and TNI. Puncak Jaya.

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