Merdeka.com – Metro Police ranks Jakarta West is still hunting alleged perpetrators who attacked the Director General of the Ministry of Construction of PUPR Syarief Burhanuddin. One of them is the formation of a special team.
"We have created a special team to prosecute the perpetrators," Metro Police chief Rada Prabowo Argo Yuwono told reporters at merdeka.com on Thursday (28/6).
He revealed, the team was created to catch the perpetrators of street crimes. Where, members have been deployed at some point that will be under surveillance for 24 hours.
"We have extended to all points yes, and we must also map the groups," he said.
In addition, Argo admitted, the investigator contacted the victim. However, it is still under investigation by investigators. "Yes yes confirmation to the victim," he concluded.
Previously, the director general of the Ministry of Construction of the PUPR, Syarief Burhanudin, became victim of aggression. The incident occurred on the tourist site of the old city, west of Jakarta, on Sunday (24/6) yesterday.
"It is in Kota Tua yes, and we are still in our eyes ya mas (valuables lost)," said the West Jakarta Reskrim Criminal Police, AKBP Edi Suranta Sitepu, when it was been contacted on Monday (25/6).
He said, currently, members are still on the ground looking for witnesses and also evidence.
"We just reported it, so we're still in the field every year, and later if we have enough data, we'll let you know," he said.
However, he maintained that he did not know the injuries sustained by the victim. To be sure, the victim is always treated at Medistra Hospital. "I do not know what you (the injury), the victim in the hospital." [fik]
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