Police: Januri fears to be overwhelmed by the spirit of Sulasmini, his wife whom he killed


BLORA, KOMPAS.com – Living in a lie makes Mr. Januri (38 years old), a resident of Bedingin Village, Todanan Subdistrict, Blora Regency, Central Java, constantly haunted by feelings of fear.

The farmer almost escaped the law because the murder case that he was not detected by the public.

In fact, Januri is the actor who ended the life of his wife, Sulasmini (37). However, the mother of a child was buried because he was killed by a snake.

Earlier Sunday (25/11/2018) afternoon around noon. WIB, Sulasmini was found by his mother, Sarmini (55) was already in a lifeless state on his bed.

Sulasmini's body was buried immediately at the Bedingin Village Public Cemetery (UPT).

Read also: Called killed by snakes, Sulasmini is killed by her husband alone

The mystery of Sulasmini's death was finally revealed by Blora Satreskrim's police. The statement that Sulasmini was killed by a snake pecker had been thwarted by the results of the Blora Police Resort Satreskrim investigation.

The Satreskrim police team in Blora suspected Januri of being involved in the death of Sulasmini. This man was finally sent to Blora Mapolres on Wednesday (28/11/2018).

After being questioned by the Satrekrim investigation team of the Blora police, Januri admitted that he was the only one to end his wife's life. Sulasmini was strangled because she did not want to be asked to have bad.

"Januri was frightened because after the incident, he claimed to be haunted by the spirit of his wife.After his interrogation, he finally admitted to strangling his wife.Effects because the victims did not want to be invited to have bad, "said Heri Dwi Utomo, crime investigator at Blora Police, AKP Kompas.comThursday (29/11/2018).

Read also: Januri killed his wife because the victim had refused to be invited to have an intimate relationship

To ensure the cause of Sulasmini's death, Satreskrim Blora Regional Police, in collaboration with the Central Java Regional Police Forensic Team, dismantled the grave of Sulasmini (37 years old) at the local public cemetery. (TPU) Thursday afternoon around 12 o'clock WIB.

A visible criminal investigation by the Blora Regional Police, AKP Heri Dwi Utomo, gave the results while the medical examination had revealed elements of violence on the physical victims.

According to the authors' confessions, which were also reinforced by the results of the autopsy of the forensic team of the Central Java Regional Police, it was confirmed that Sulasmini had been murdered by strangulation by her husband, Mr. Januri.

"The perpetrators have been trapped in article 5, Jo letter, article 44, paragraph 3, concerning the elimination of domestic violence and article 338 of the Penal Code, concerning murder" , concluded Heri.

To read also: Chronology of the case Sulasmini: killed by the husband alone, according to the rumor, he would be stung by a snake, until the tomb is dismantled

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