The former police chief of Papua confirmed that NS had been negligent in the performance of his duties. because of such nahas events.
He called NS as the party responsible for the disaster because the Ministry of Transportation has authority in issuing a sea license to oversee the trips and ports around Lake Toba.
Paul adds that the police have badigned four other suspects, such as KM Sinar Bangun, the initials PSS, Samosir Regency, the initials of the hospital, the head of the port of Simanindo Samosir with the initials GFP and the member of the ship of the port of Simanindo. KS.
"There are now five [tersangkanya] with the Kadishub of Samosir District," says Paul.
Paul says that the ante mortem data of pbadengers received by the North Sumatra disaster casualty investigation police were 125.
Meanwhile, Gabungan's joint SAR team has only managed to evacuate up to 22 people from 18 survivors and four people died.
"The DVI team of Pematang Raya General Hospital got the certainty of 125 people .The skipper is 150. So we are probably around this, so the victim listed between 125 and 150, "he said.
an alga
Paul recognized the deep state of Lake Toba and the basal contours covered with lake made it difficult for the evacuation of victims by officers
The limits of The tool also became an obstacle to lifting the object of the sinking.
"Thus, visibility, depth and structure of seawater are limited, algae can be dangerous for divers, but they are continued," he said.
Still, he did the search for the victims. KM Sinar Bangun will continue until the victims are found even after the search crosses the line.
"It should have been stopped a few days ago, but because of our attention, we all continue in the lead." ) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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