Police reveal that drug dealers who use cars to become warehouses


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Seen from the outside, the color of the car Daihatsu Luxio is not strange money who was parked in the courtyard of the Jakarta Police Detectives Directorate of Narcotics, Wednesday (28/11/2018).

But when the rear door of the car is opened, the rear floor is changed to be used with drugs.

The rear floor of the car is covered with a pattern resembling that of a car, so that, at a glance, people will not think that under the floor of the car there is a room special for the storage of goods.

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The director of the investigation of narcotics of the regional police of Mertro Jaya said that the car was used as a mode of drug distribution as a "traveling warehouse".

"There are repeat offenders, Cipinang prison inmates involved in the VR initials, and then there are other suspects with the initials WS, MS, and F. We are also pursuing another suspect carrying the initials. Initial TS, who is a Malaysian citizen, "said the director of the Narcotics Police at Metro Jaya Police, Suwondo Nainggolan. Jaya Metro Police Headquarters, Wednesday (28/11/2018).

Suwondo said the modified car was used to transport various types of drugs from Jakarta to Pekanbaru.

In that case, Suwondo continued, his party obtained evidence in the form of 50 kilograms of methamphetamine and 43,000 grains of ecstasy.

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In addition, Kasubdit II Ditresnarkoba Polda Metro Jaya of AKBP Donny Alexander, the disclosure of this case is the development of the previous case in September 2018.

Until November 21, 2018, the police arrested MS and WS in front of the shophouse Hr. Soebrantas located on Jalan Soebrantas Panam No. 8a, Panam, Pekanbaru, Riau.

"According to the results of the interrogation, the two suspects claimed to have obtained such illicit property from a person on order of the VR (prisoners) and the suspect received the narcotics at the scene the crime of a person later known as F using a motorcycle, "Donny said.

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According to F's admission, the drugs to be distributed were obtained from transnational crime suspects, Malaysian nationals.

The suspects were charged. Article 114 (2), Subsidiary, Subsidiary Article 115 (2), Article 112 (2) and Article 132 (1) of the Narcotic Drugs, Threat of Capital Punishment Act, No 35 of 2009, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for at least 6 years. and a maximum of 20 years.

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