Police secure firearms belonging to alleged women in Tangerang


Merdeka.com – Police seized a gun, around the scene of the shooting and stabbing a woman named Saripah, on Jalan Rasuna Said, sub-district of Pakojan, subdistrict from Pinang, Tangerang, around 19:00 As a result of the actors, the victim died when she is transported to the hospital.

"Yes, we are securing firearms bademblies," Police Chief Metro Jaya Kombes Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono told Jaya Police Headquarters. Jakarta Thursday (5/7).

Currently, the ranks of the Tangerang police are investigating whether the weapons belong to the perpetrators of the shootings.

"Later, we check the witnesses and what fingerprints we are waiting for," he said.

Previously, car racing acted on Jalan Rasuna Said RT.04 / 01 Village of Pakojan, Pinang Sub-district, Tangerang City, Wednesday (4/7). The victim was Saripah, a 40-year-old woman. Saripah died while he was being transported to the hospital

During the incident, Saripah, along with her husband Ade Miskan and her son stopped their bike at the pulse booth. The husband bought a pulse, while Saripah and his son waited on the bike. It was not long ago, two actors had boarded a white Honda Beat motorcycle and were preparing to take the victim's motorcycle.

The victims fight and ask for help. There was a fight between the victim and the attacker. When the victim keeps his bike, the attacker immediately pulls the victim and touches the left chest. "The victim was the same as her husband and the child, her husband again bought the voucher, so the victim was the same as his son.In the author, the incident occurred. is produced, "said Kombes Harry Kurniawan, police chief of Tangerang City. when contacted merdeka.com, wednesday (4/7) night.

With gunshot wounds and stab wounds, the victim was immediately taken to the hospital. Start Bross. But his life can not be saved. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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