Police: There is no tolerance, the motor acts that go through JLNT Casablanca


Merdeka.com – [ThedirectoroftheperformanceoftheTraversePoldaJayaPolKombesYusufibadtendingthestreetstomonitorthelocationofthenon-Tollines(JLNT)linkingTanahAbang-KampungMelayumercredimatin(11/7)Laraisondepuissoninaugurationilaotherannéesisquebotardsofmotardssecbadent

Yusuf said, although he installed signs and keeps the place there are still a lot of naughty drivers. Therefore, his side immediately gave decisive action

"There is more tolerance, I am firmly given strict action for the violators," Yusuf said Wednesday (11/7).

JLNT is dedicated to vehicles with four or more wheels. (19659003) "The impoverished motorcycle tends to pbad because it's not guarded by the officers, if it's so self-injurious.This is for the safety of the bikers. There is no police, break through JLNT, "he said. Meanwhile, Kasubdit Development and Law Enforcement (Bin Gakkum) Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Budiyanto States, every day, the agents alerted on the site to crack down on the naughty motorists. According to Budiyanto, "We confiscated some evidence of 336 SIMs and 154 vehicle registrations," Budiyanto said. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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