Politician Gerindra called Prabowo's candidacy for the prize candidate to be dead


Merdeka.com – PDP President Gerindra Nizar Zahro Honors PAN Amien Rais Honorary Council Chair for Madyan Coalition (KUM) Bid for 2019 General Election However, Nizar confirmed Gerindra's decision to sue Prabowo Subianto. to be a Capres is a dead prize.

The decision to bring back Prabowo was confirmed in the Rakornas Party of Gerindra. Prabowo was given the mandate of Gerindra's executive to fight again to become Capres

"We respect if Eggy supports Amien Rais to be a candidate, but does not change the decision of our party." For us, the candidacy of Mr. Prabowo is a prize when contacted merdeka.com, Sunday (1/7).

The reading of the statement of support to Amien was made by the Advisory Board 212 Alumni Brotherhood Council Eggy Sudjana. Nizar thinks it's natural that Eggy wants Amien or PAN to become President of the Republic of Indonesia (19659003) because, according to him, Eggy is currently a PAN legislative candidate

"He It is natural that Aggy proposes Honorary President of PAN Amin Rais as President "Nizar said that Gerindra is ready to badociate with any party, including PAN at the general election of 2019 provided that Prabowo becomes the presidential candidate, "he said.

If we do not accept this attitude, Nizar invites Eggy to seek another coalition partner

" We are ready for us badociate with PAN or any party, provided to accept Mr. Prabowo as a candidate for the presidency "

The Madani Coalition (KUM) as an initiator, inspired by the victory of Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad

Letter of declaration signed by the President KUM, Minister of the Interior of the Soeharto era, Lieutenant General (retired) Syarwan Hamid, KUM Nuraini Bunyamin. Eggy Sudjana, along with Syarwan Hamid and other members of the coalition, represented the 93-year-old Mahathir movement, able to overthrow Najib as a petahana despite the enormous funds and powers that collaborate with foreign powers. Amien Rais, who is still 19 years old under the Mahathir era, will be a "teenager" at the head of the current Indonesian Ummatan coalition, "said Eggy Sudjana reading the statement. b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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