Pontianak Parliament Sister Mutilation Mother Mother Observed RSJ


JawaPos.com – Police still await the results of the examination of the bodies of the victims of murders and mutilations on the Gang Landak road in the Tanjungpura sub-district, in the south of Pontianak , Thursday afternoon. Currently, the body has been returned to the family.

Pontianak Kompol Unintentional Criminal Police M Husni Ramli said, just today, the examination of the bodies of the victims. Based on the coordination with the doctor, the results of the examination of the corpse will be known for the next seven days.

"Where the families of the victims also refused the autopsy, so we made a visum on the corpse," he said, quoted by People of West Kalimantan (Jawa Pos Group ) Saturday (7/7).

Husni mentions that the victim was mutilated on two legs that were cut. Then the head and neck nearly broke. Likewise, both arms are also almost broken.

While the thumb is broken. All body parts were submitted to Soedarso Hospital.

"The bodies of this afternoon (Friday) we submit to the family," he said.

As to the author, Husni claimed not to have done the examination. The reason, the author suffered from a mental disorder.

Currently, the suspect is being observed in a psychiatric hospital (RSJ) Sungai Bangkong Pontianak City. On the basis of the hospital statement, the observation of the suspect takes 14 days.

"Maybe after the observation, we just do the examination," he explained.

Husni explains that the investigation team, including himself, also conducted a direct examination of the authors. Husni acknowledged, indeed the authors can not be invited to speak and his statement can not be concluded.

"The question is not related to the answer, the family still handed over to the investigator, especially for his observation," Husni said.

Meanwhile, Kasubag TU RSJ Sungai Bangkong, Yuliana justify, he received patients on behalf of HN sent Polresta Pontianak.

"Last night we received, and he is still under investigation, and it is the authority of the psychiatrist who examined him," he told reporters.

Cases of murder and mutilation have been reported to Jong Sui Jo, 80 years old. The victim was killed by her own son, Lung Hui Na alias Ana, with the aid of a machete.

This 43-year-old woman has a history of mental disorders. Both are the mother and brothers and sisters of MPs Pontianak Hartono Azas.

(jpg / est / JPC)

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