Porter WA will be more fun, developers prepare funny stickers various expressions


TRIBUNJOGJA.COM – WhatsApp messaging application will soon publish new loh features.

Like to participate in the development of stickers today.

WhatsApp is also testing its typical sticker.

Some people even have the opportunity to try this feature in beta.

If you are curious about this new type of WhatsApp sticker, the NexTren.com team has the information for you.

Meanwhile, the new WhatsApp sticker still consists of two fun characters with various expressions.

WhatsApp (Daily Express)

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How to use this sticker is also easy, just by pressing the new icon that has been provided.

Basically, the presence of stickers on WhatsApp is a bit necessary.

You see, this sticker will bring a more exciting conversation atmosphere than the use of emoticons.

So for you who want to immediately try this new WhatsApp sticker, you have to be patient until the time has not been determined.

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