Prabowo and Suharto participated in the kidnappings of activists


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The secret documents of the US Embbady published reveal that the former commander of the Special Forces Corps (Kopbadus) Prabowo Subianto was involved in the l 39; kidnapping of pro-democracy activists at the time of 1998. resources for students.

It is listed in a document published by the National Security Archives, George Washington University, dated May 7, 1998.

The document contained a conversation between the political staff of the US Embbady and a "student organization leader" who was discussing the disappearance of a number of activists at the end of the UN's mandate. President Soeharto.

"A leader of a student organization told political staff that he had been informed by a Kopbadus source that the disappearance (the activists) had been carried out by" Group 4 "of Kopbadus under the command of Chairawan ".

"He said that this source (not part of the Four Group) said that there was a conflict between the Kopbadus divisions, and that Group Four was still under Prabowo's control. were ordered by Prabowo following orders from the President, Soeharto, "the document said.

  President Soeharto in Jakarta President Soeharto in Jakarta. ( REUTERS)

It is also said that the disappearing militants were probably detained and tortured at a Kopbadus facility in an area between Bogor and Jakarta.

It is believed that the facility is the former headquarters of Unit 81 Antiterror Kopbadus (now known as Special Detachment 81 / Against Terror or Gultor).

The victim's testimony before the "Commission", publicly and secretly, was based on the fact that the victims heard the military trumpet call with an image of the geographic conditions leading to the neighborhood. General of the team 81.

In response, party vice president Gerindra, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said the information contained in the document was not accurate.

"The data is very inaccurate and incorrect, the source also refers only to the statement of a student leader who is very presumptuous," he said, through a short message.

"The testimony is not just" testimonium in auditu "(testimony he says), but it is also irrelevant because it is not supported by any other witness" , he added.

  Mugiyanto, one of the activists of the victims of enforced disappearance of 1998. Mugiyanto, one of the enforced disappearance activists of 1998. ( CNN Indonesia / Prima Gumilang)

Sufmi pointed out that the document was not a legal document, but only intelligence documents whose methods of collecting information are not appropriate.

"The Court's judgment of the Rose team is clearly not Mr. Prabowo's name," he said.

Known, The judgment of the Supreme Military Tribunal on the kidnapping of nine pro-democracy militants was decided on October 24, 2000. Eleven members of the Kopbadus Rose team were indicted d & # 39; imprisonment. There is no name Prabowo in it.

They are Major Inf Bambang Kristiono (Commander of Rose Team), Captain Inf Fausani Syahrial Multhazar (Deputy Commander of Rose Team), Captain Inf Nugroho Sulistiyo Budi, Captain Inf Yulius Selvanus.

In addition, there is Captain Inf. Untung Budi Harto, Captain Inf Dadang Hendra Yuda, Captain Inf Djaka Budi Utama, Captain Inf Fauka Noor Farid, Serka Sunaryo, Serka Sigit Sugianto and Sertu Sukadi.

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