Prabowo: I am from childhood Support the Republic of Indonesia, but accused of defending the Khilafah of the Islamic State: Okezone News


JAKARTA – presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto he is said to be surprised by the charge against him, allegedly to support the establishment of the Khilafah State and the mbad organization Hisbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). In fact, said Prabowo, as a TNI soldier, he had understood very well how to serve the nation and the state and preserve the integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

(Also read: With dust, Prabowo invites people to achieve food self-sufficiency)

"I support the NKRI since my youngest age, but I am accused of supporting the Islamic State's khilafah defense.But if it is already slander, do not be provoked, do not be in anger, "said Prabowo in his official statement on Sunday, October 28, 2018.

However, the general chairman of the party Gerindra invited the community not to be easily provoked by this incitement before the presidential election of 2019. He also invited his volunteers to imitate the nature of the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wbadalam, who was very patient with slanders and exams.

"The Messenger of Allah was not only insulted, he also spat on it, he wanted to be killed, thrown into the earth, but he did not answer, so we can not go back. "said Prabowo.

(Also read: Prabowo: The "ghost" presidential election of 2019 is forbidden)

In addition, the former Secretary General of Kopbadus also called on the community, especially its supporters, to play a decisive role in determining the leaders who can advance the Indonesian people.

"But we must be firm, we must stand up, God willing, if a mandate is given to us, Indonesia will rise again," he said.


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