Prabowo promises to lower Lisrik's rates, Luhut says "not so simple"


JAKARTA, – Minister of Maritime Affairs Coordination, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, said the reduction in electricity tariffs was not as simple as what had been said.

This was communicated to him when he was questioned about his comments regarding the promise of presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto, who wanted to lower the electricity tariff in 100 days when he won the presidential election of 2019.

"(If I want go down, than what are you doing the production price? "It can not be so simple," he told reporters Monday (04/08/2019).

Read also: "By winning the presidential election, Prabowo promises to cut electricity rates to 100 days of his reign"

Luhut said that many things had to be calculated and considered to adopt a policy of reducing electricity tariffs.

This is considered important to ensure a balance between PLN as a business and people who benefit from the availability of electricity for their daily lives.

"We are currently producing light panels, it also helps regional roles, and can also reduce electricity prices," said Luhut.

Read also: March 2019, 900 VA reduction of electricity tariffs

Previously, during the big campaign at the main stadium of Bung Karno, Prabowo had promised various things to his followers. One of the promises was to reduce electricity rates in the first 100 days of the election as president.

Prabowo thinks this can be done because his team already has calculations to lower electricity rates.

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