Praised, a gentile student will not move, confronting the disadvantaged residents of Lowokwaru


Memontum Kota Malang – Dozens of students from Papua who are in a rented house on Jl MT Haryono Gang VIII C, sub-district of Lowokwaru, Malang City, Sunday (1/7/2018 ) around 19:00, facing the citizens. The throws of action occur until the atmosphere seems tense. In addition, the incident caused a long traffic jam in the MT Haryono road area, urban village of Dinoyo.

A policeman from Malang City, Polsekta Lowokwaru and members of TNI immediately came to provide security. The Papuan students then pbaded into the custody of the officers marching towards the east. Their information was taken at Polres Malang Kota.

Information mentioned that this riot erupted when Paoua students spoke with residents. These students do not want to leave the rented house even if the rent is up. These students insist not to go and maintain the rented house which is made secretarial.

The warm conditions started around 17:00. But residents remain patient to communicate well. But around 19:00, the conditions are warming up. More and more people are coming. It seems that the Papuan student has also maintained his willingness not to go before the clash does occur.

The information of the clash came after the students shouted Papua free. In addition, allegedly there is destruction of the house rented by students. Action throwing stones ensues. The people who saw the incident provoked his emotions. w

Residents are coming in more and more.

Fortunately, police and TNI officers immediately arrived at the location to provide security.

According to Deni Prasetyo (32) local residents, RT and RW officials these students must leave because

the rental period is over.

"They insist that the rental period has not been exhausted.But the elector of the house said that the lease was exhausted some time ago," Deni said.

From the news circulated that these students are not only the rented period. They are also informed will be nobar Papua Merdeka. But from this event nothing has been confirmed.

Kapolsekta Lowokwaru Kompol Pujiono said that this event manages Polres Malang Malang City. "This case is processed Polres Malang City.What I want to go to Polres Malang City," said Kompol Pujiono when confirmed, Mapolsekta Lowokwaru around 9:30 pm. (ge / yan)

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