President Director of Persija apologizes to Menpora – VIVA


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VIVA – President of Persia Jakarta, Gede Widiade, finally apologized to the family of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nahrawi, for beating supporters of Persija to the son of the son. Imam Nahrawi on June 26th. 2018. Apologies are made today before the big duel against Persib Bandung.

Earlier, Menpora's son came to watch the duel directly at the PTIK Stadium. However, shortly after the match, he was asked to go home because he was wearing the Persebaya attribute, which is a green jacket.

When escorted off the public bench, someone hits the child's head. Suddenly, his video viral directly on social media.

Gede feels responsible for the incident. For this, he hopes that this excuse will be welcomed by the Imam Nahrawi family. "I want to apologize for the 26th incident when Persija against Persebaya." There have been few incidents from Persija supporters. "PTIK, Saturday, June 30, 2018.

" Maybe many think it's too late but I do not think it's too late. " It is too late, we regret the incident that night, I coordinate with The Jak to bring the concerned so that the problem is not resolved quickly. He explained.

The quick move is finally made for the case to be quickly over. Because, Menpora reported this incident in order to be treated by law

"Today, I have also asked to meet me and apologize for the good faith has also been escorted by Jakmania's counsel to the police, as the insurer responded Persija's panpel, and as Chief Director of Persija, apologized to Mr. Menpora's son Imam Nahrawi for an incident unexpected when Persija confronted Persebaya, "continues Gede. , Persija and Indonesian supporters.Our country is a country of law.If this incident does not recur, "he explained.

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