Preventing early aging with these 5 foods


As you get older, the body will undergo the aging process from the outside and from the inside. One of them can be seen from the state of our skin. The skin begins to produce no more collagen or melanin as in your youth. As you get older, muscle mbad will also continue to decline. The skin will dry out, wrinkle, sag and become dull.

Various other factors such as sun exposure, air pollution and motor vehicle fumes, smoking habits, stress, sleep problems, eating habits and physical routines play. a role in accelerating premature aging from the outside. So, is there a way to prevent premature aging?

In fact, it is possible to combat the effects of premature aging by applying a healthy diet and choosing the right type of food. Some food ingredients can help prevent premature aging, nourish the skin and increase immunity to various diseases. Just look at the following food list.

1 Red Grenada (grenade)

Worried about wrinkled skin and fine lines on the face? Just multiply the consumption of red pomegranate. The combination of polyphenols and vitamin C in this fruit can fight against high free radicals while protecting the skin from sunburn.

Red pomegranate also contains pulicanagin compounds that will help the body store collagen and maintain healthy skin tissue.

2 Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries

Different types of berries can not only be delicious, but also contribute to the body's rejuvenation process thanks to its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants will fight free radicals that attack by pollution, sunlight and various harmful chemicals.

The content of vitamins and nutrients in fruits is effective in preventing cell damage in the body.

3 Nuts

Looking for healthy snacks to accompany your free time? Just have red beans, almonds, peanuts or cashews on your shelf. Nuts are the right choice to prevent premature aging. The antioxidant content of this food may play a role in preventing cell damage due to exposure to free radicals as a cause of cancer, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

The nuts also contain selenium, vitamin E, copper, magnesium, manganese, potbadium, calcium and iron, all of which are good for the health of the skin.

4 Olive oil

A good combination of fat and vitamins A and E contained in olive oil can allow your skin to stay supple and hydrated. The presence of vitamin E in this oil also protects the skin from free radicals, aging of the face and damage caused by exposure to pollution and sunlight.

Not only beneficial for the skin, olive oil is also able to protect the health of your heart. This healthy oil is rich in healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, compounds that can reduce inflammation in the body and the risk of blood clots.

5 lawyers

In addition to filling, avocados also have the effect of preventing premature aging. This single fruit is rich in vitamin E, which can stimulate collagen production so as to maintain the elasticity of the skin and give it a brighter appearance.

Unsaturated fatty acids and fiber in these fruits also reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease. Regular consumption of avocados can also reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and total cholesterol.

The good that is drawn from nature is not only delicious to consume. You can also benefit from the nutrients in the foods you eat.

Want to start a healthy lifestyle with nutrient-rich foods? Just browse the organic food store that is currently widely available at the address online market. Healthy foods, from brown rice to olive oil, nuts and healthy fruits, are at your disposal.

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