Problematic Role in the Movie "RUMBLING IN YOUR WAJAHMU", Ariyo Wahab Penance So Rocker


– In the role in this last film, it seems Ariyo Wahab to have a character who is not very different from his life. But in his role of Bang Ape, he is a converted rocker. Apparently, his decision to repent was due to dedication to social interests.

Yes, he was made Bang Ape to replace the mistakes he made some time ago. In the film SMOKING IN YOUR FACE Ariyo Wahab seemed to tell the process of the hijra of Bang Ape's journey of life. This is his latest film, a film that is taken from a novel by Tere Liye

"As Ape as his name, here the character of an artist is practically a rock star , a rock star who has repented, "said Ariyo Wahab during the film's Thanksgiving TWINNING IN YOUR WAJAHMU Kemang Region, South Jakarta, Friday (28/6 / 2018).

"In the past, his life was bling-bling

  In his latest film Ariyo Wahab plays a rocker who has repented. © Akrom Sukarya In his latest film Ariyo Wahab plays a rocker who has repented. © Akrom Sukarya

After Bang Repentance of great apes, he has also set up a house of refuge, which is filled by children Bang Ape wants these adopted children not to have the same fate as him.

"So he is the owner of the abandoned house occupied by the children that he educates, he makes generations, so that little children do not look like him. Kids really have a lot of time that they can enjoy and they can use, "said Ariyo.

Playing each character must have their own level of difficulty. But as a good player, Ariyo Wahab even challenged him. "If the film must have difficulties, but sometimes the difficulty is definitely not only to be able to make it work, then there is value so … We can not roll smoothly so, until now there is has difficulties that can still be overcome "says this man born in Jakarta.

The film should start shooting on July 5th. Ariy Wahab will also compete with Arifin Putra Donny Alamsyah Cornelio Sunny Egi Fedly and others.

"Among the players there is no difference, already liquid aja gitu.We also helped the same coach acting that really ngebantu atmosphere and no longer among us whose term has a pager, already good ngejalaninnya, "he concluded

Reporter: Ruswanto / Bintang .com

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