Processional Ring, Emperor and Almaratu Intan Throw Each to the Other

[ad_1], Jakarta The Marriage between Caisar Aditya Putra or Caisar with Intan Sri Mardini or Almaratu Intan went well. They were married at the residence of Almaratu's parents in Cimahpar, Bogor, West Java, Saturday (30/6/2018).

Caisar's face was visible during the marriage contract. However, he managed to say a kabul consent with a breath. The procession of the wedding ceremony began at 09:00, attended by their extended family and friends.

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After Kabul's consent, the event continued with a ring exchange procession. In front of the guests, Caisar and Almaratu were shy. (19659002) "My beautiful wife, my brother handed the wedding mate, I hope, can be used wisely and the dowry paid in cash," said the emperor putting a ring on the ring finger of his wife. 19659005] The diamond is beautiful with a white dress with a similar hijab and a dikepalanya crown. Happy Rona saw the couple who officially became husband and wife. Both are sitting side by side. (Herman Zechariah /

"Thank you my beautiful husband, who rushes, I receive the dowry of my brother, God willing will be put to profit," replied Almaratu Intan also in putting on the ring on the finger Caisar ( Zulfa Ayu / )

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