PT Angkasa Pura I calls for the degradation of residual housing in Kulonprogo Procedural | INews Portal


KULONPROGO, – PT Angkasa Pura (AP) I am calling for measures to demolish dozens of homes refusing the new Yogyakarta airport project or New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) to Temon , Kulonprogo complies with the correct standards and procedures.

PT AP I also notified the emptying of houses to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), the Governor of Yogyakarta and the Regent of Kulonprogo. "We have already sent notices to Komnas HAM, the Law Enforcement Bureau and the DIY Governor," Sujiastono said Thursday (July 19th). the torn house is a completely empty house. But before the demolition, the houses are first emptied of both the occupants and the objects that are there.

On the basis of a court decision, the land occupied by this citizen is already the property of the state (PT AP I). Residents are not allowed to live in the place. Instead, residents receive compensation whose value is determined by the evaluation team.

Resident residents are still reluctant to liquefy. At least, there is still Rp33, 5 billion of funds that have not been disbursed. "We are ready to help the residents (melt away). Please come to the help desk," Sujiastono said.


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Agus Pandu Purnama said that the emptying of houses is because the stages of development must be done. "In order not to interfere with the health of the displaced residents, because in the near future there will be a physical building of the airport," he said.

Kulonprogo police chief, AKBP Anggara Nasution, said the security process for emptying homes involved 700 members of TNI / Polri and Satpol PP. They are also helped by volunteers to help defend the property of residents. According to Kapolres, the security time is scheduled for three days until Saturday, July 21, 2018. But the time to demolish the house located in the Location Permit (IPL) will be adjusted to field conditions. "Just please (action) as long as it does not interfere with the process," he said.

Publisher: Kastolani Marzuki

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