Questions of Hijab Lie and Challenge Meet Najwa Shihab, Mulan instead Show Leader Gundul Ahmad Dhani


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Mulan Jameela continues to be insinuated about his decision to advance as legislative candidate of Dapil Garut. Netter then revealed evidence that during this decree was hijacked, it is just an imaging mode.

Count markonah_tonggek reveals photos of Mulan's transformation before and after the veil. When Ahmad Dhani ran for the Vice Regent of Bekasi, last year, Mulan was also seen wearing a hijab.

But when Dhani lost, Mulan is no longer hijab and does not even look bady anymore. Interestingly, several months ago they turned out to be a candidate, Mulan also claimed to get hidayah for hijrah. He then closed the aurat and hijacked it on his return from Palestine.

Unfortunately, according to previous experience, Mulan has just opened the hijab blanket. Netter believes that Mulan will release his hijab when he is lost.

 Tips for Mulan Jameela


" Attached KEOK jg open Lagiii … berhijabpun auranya dark msih, dark looks Because his heart drengkiii " sarcastically netizens. " Kalo he bener2 hijrah like other artis2 definitely foto2 yg blm berhijab mrk delete .. actually emigrate cover one of his bad closed the past that blm sailing .. yes back jgn jd hood as a weapon for get the world .. yes Hope nnti walo unselected (gag sure no one chooses) gag open his krudung again Aamiin netijen suuzdon / hatner krn public figures his own figures .. netijen today pinter2 can not be bohongi dg imagery and drama "said the others.

Not only that, Mulan's competence as a candidate is also debatable. Netter had challenged him to dialogue with the famous host Najwa Shihab . " Knpa ya gone zmn skrg sukanya search caleg yg artist kyk gini pdhl bnyk once again ordinary org that have higher education … alemooooooogggggg ," sarcastic netter. " Just try mbk najwa for his intellectual test if sdh pantes what blommm ," said Netter. Angel Lelga Zooonk paraaahh "said the netter.

 Mulan Goda Dhani


Up to now, Mulan has ignored the criticism of Internet users. In fact, he seemed busy with his activities at home.

Thanks to InstaStory, Mulan disclosed his busy recording Dhani who was filming a video clip. Jokingly, Mulan even shows his head bare Dhani. " Aw is very smooth ," joked Mulan.

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