Quiz Application Maker on Facebook claimed to reveal millions of user data | INews Portal


MENLO PARK, iNews.id – The Facebook quiz developer named NameTest is known to have revealed the personal information of 120 million Facebook users. Security researchers have found on Facebook a popular quiz application called Nametest, with a gap that could attract more than 120 million people even after the removal of the application.

This gap does not seem to imply a Facebook policy. Security issues are badociated with coding errors on the Nametest website. Despite this, the social network giant involved in the data scandal is working with Nametest's developer, Social Sweethearts, to address the vulnerability.

"A researcher draws attention on the website of nametest.com, launched in April to encourage reports involving Facebook data," said Facebook product partner vice president Ime Archibong reported Cnet, Friday (29/6/2018).

"We are working with namtest.com to address the vulnerability on their website," he said.

The safety researcher of Cuekelaire's Inti specifies his findings in an article of medium format. Cuekelaire writes, he notices his personal information posted on the Nametest website without any encryption or security and the data is available to anyone who has this link. The data show his name, country of origin, date of birth, bad and age.

"I was surprised to see these data available to the public to third parties who requested it.In normal circumstances, other sites will not be able to access this information,

He then created a Web site that could get information on whoever visited him using Nametest in the past.

On the webpage, he can upload personal photos, updates, and friends. Schwenke said in a Social Sweethearts survey report that personal user data has not been disclosed to unauthorized third parties and that evidence of user data has been used Publisher: Dini Listiyani

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