Raditya Dika Ogah Moving House Although haunted, apparently because Anissa no longer scared of this figure


  Raditya Dika Ogah Moving Although haunted, apparently because Anissa is more afraid of being that person

Raditya Dika reveals the reason why he and Anissa are reluctant to leave his haunted house.

This is not a secret if the house Raditya Dika is known to be haunted. Dika also often recounts the horror experiences he has experienced at home.

Not only Radit, the wife of Anissa Aziza, had also experienced various strange things in the house. Even so, Radit and Anissa always feel at home in their home.

Radit admits that he has no intention of leaving his current home. "No, there is no intention (move)," Raditya Dika told Senayan, south of Jakarta on Wednesday (25/7).

A 33-year-old comedian and producer feels natural if a house has an "observer". That's why he was not too bothered and always feels at home in his house.

"Biarin aja appoints every house there must be penunggunya So nothing baseball," he added. For Radit, to move the house of course, he also had to spend a lot of money. Radit also admitted dislike and did not want to leave his house despite the obsession.

"Baseball Cave no intention to relocate, house as expensive," said Radit. "Baseball Cave it is the intention to change the house."

Radit's decision is also supported by his wife. Anissa also seems reluctant to move for the moment. Jokingly, Radit admits that Anissa is more afraid of her than the ghost of their guardian.

"Yes, the woman does not either (want to move)," Radit said. "Because it scares me more."

Meanwhile, Radit has also recently admitted to undergo a movie with a horror theme. The plan will be posted on his YouTube video account.
" Abis shot paranormal experience home Eyangnya @ mizter.popo part 3. On the side @gaduhpribadi mas that has turned out to have the most extreme horror experience " , wrote Radit. " Immediately on my YouTube! The duration will be very long.Siapin your quota ."

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