Raffi Ahmad ready to Nyaleg through PAN – VIVA


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VIVA – PDP PAN chairman Yandri Susanto said the artist Raffi Ahmad will be coming to Pileg via PAN. He is convinced that Raffi can qualify as representative of the people in Senayan (19659003) "Raffi Ahmad has indeed plans for nyaleg, including other artists, I think baseball is a problem," said Yandri .

He said, in terms of terms, Raffi considered to meet the criteria. He is convinced that Raffi is serious and his party is grateful that there is an energetic and enthusiastic young generation who wants to plunge into politics

"And yes it is Yes (there is communication with Raffi) and indeed he is very close to us "He said that he had wanted to travel PAN several times," Yandri said.

He said that for the constituency, Raffi Ahmad did not want to go back. has yet to be determined.But it is estimated from the DIY zone, Bogor or Bandung. "If Raffi mah is placed anywhere he will be," said Yandri.

Asked about the ability to Raffi, he asked the public not to underestimate.He claims the artists in PAN have a good quality

"Good [bon] tuh Desi is good, the others are good, nice Anang, he there is no problem at that moment, open all circles, wants artist "Yandri

In addition to Raffi, Rhoma Irama is equal he is said to be a candidate with his daughter.

"Until today, he has not been on the list, so his son is already on the list," Yandri said. (mus)

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