Raffi Ahmad Regarded Too Forcing Ayu Ting Ting So Actress


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM It is said that Ayu Ting Ting plays in a film titled Arwah Tumbal Nyai. In the film, would have again, Ayu Ting Ting will play the role of the wife of Raffi Ahmad. Raffi Ahmad himself acted as a producer in the film.

Suddenly appears instagram counts with the name of Tumbal Nyai Spirit. Although not yet posted, the account already has nearly 170,000 subscribers.

Strangeness made the count in an account of gossip of igtainment. "Movie leak Raffi Ahmad this time his cast Ayu Ting Ting and Raffi Ahmad would have hell yes and say again role Ayu Ting Ting as wife Raffi Ahmad good luck yes filmnya this account what the old yahhh," wrote the account Wednesday (11/7).

Instantly netizens endorse the strangeness of the number of followers on the account and believe that the Ayu Ting Ting movie account is an old account deliberately replaced so that Tumbal Nyai's film Arwah seems very favored.

"I think the old movie The Secret Deh is looking for ig The Secret does not exist," commented one of the netizens

"Ohh iyah is right .. so long count in my account, which means that old accounts have … hahahhahaha..niat bener yakk let kudatan udh a lot followernya, "said another netizen.

Due to the appearance of the account, netizens deemed Raffi Ahmad too ambitious to make Ayu Ting Ting an actress. Although the number of viewers of his debut film, Dimsum Martabak, not too successful.

"Have not you managed to use the carpet yet?" (19459003) Nanda Indri Hadiyanti

Edited by Ari Kurniawan

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