Raffi Ahmad Showing Affection With Nagita Slavina In Front Of The Camera, Fits


BANGKAPOS.COM – The homes of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina still attract the attention of the public. The family of this couple is never far from the italics

Although none of them commented on the news that dragged his family's personal question

Nagita Slavina answered questions about her beliefs to make Raffi Ahmad a couple.

Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina are known to have been married on October 17, 2014.

Reported by YouTube Rans Entertainment, it seems at first that Raffi had a question from Atta Halilintar.

Atta visibly made her face by a husband (19659002) "Mesra dong," says Raffi kissing Nagita's forehead

"Ordinary if the camera is so rich," he asked. imbuh mother beranak whoever

"But if behind how tea?", Ask Atta.

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