Reaching 83 million users, Spotify beat Apple Music


Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Spotify has achieved 83 million subscribers by the end of June

The company continues to outperform its competitors, Apple Music, which has 40 million subscribers in April. Spotify's growth is in line with May's predictions.

Today 's music streaming is becoming the most common way of listening to songs. Spotify and Apple Music have emerged as leaders in this music platform.

Although Spotify has managed to become the largest music streaming service, Apple Music's growth would surpbad Spotify in the United States – the largest music recording market in the world. One month, 180 million people use this service, or 30% more than the previous year

Spotify offers a free service that allows everyone to listen to music with advertising, while almost all of its users are paying customers. According to CNet, there will be between 85 and 88 million paying subscribers by the end of September and monthly active users between 188 and 193 million.

See also: Spotify delete music R. Kelly

Publisher: Suryanto
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