Read Mantra, Adjacent Adjacent Officer Closer to Cut Meyriska – VIVA


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VIVA – Old is not heard, the movie star Ajun Perwira returns to the world of the big screen through his latest film. In his latest film this time, Ajun Perwira plays the role of Dirga with Elena's opponent played by Cut Meyriska.

When it is found in the region of South Jakarta, at the time of the last Gala Premier filmJaran Goyang & # 39;, the star of the film from Bali does not hesitate to share his experience while shooting his latest horror film.

Admitted Ajun, a memorable experience while playing in the movie "Jaran Goyang" is knowing when to read a spell pellets that use the Java language. While reading the charm spell, recognized Ajun, always imagine the beautiful face of his opponent Cut Meyriska.

"I'm a Balinese myself, so I do not understand also means (fate pellets), so I'm looking for the meaning of the Indonesian language, and I pulled it back in. Not have I read the spell that I'm doing. imagine his face Cut Meyriska, "Ajun said at a meeting in South Jakarta, Wednesday, June 27, 2018.

Cut Meyriska and Ajun Perwira play Jaran Goyang

After imagining the face of Cut Meyriska by reciting the meatball spell, Ajun admits to being closer to Cut Meyriska and still walking. "Then more deket aja", Finished filming, we still often together, he exclaimed.

Asked about his relationship with his opponent Cut Meyriska, Ajun said, "Cut now has a boyfriend and has no intention of making him serious, even if it was singular.

"I do not know Cut really had the nerve is not it, not really (seriously) he already has a guy, I'm not here," said Ajun jokingly.

In addition, in this latest film, Ajun wants to introduce the existing customs of Java millennia.

"Guaranteed millennium now with the manners of the customs that exist in Java is still a lot to know.So, through this film is said.To describe his character is rather difficult too, his charm emang janganese spell that is used for pellets", Ajun told the media.

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