Realization of bribery money for two judges of South Jakarta District Court, estimated at about 650 million rupees


JAKARTA, – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has appointed two judges, Iswahyu Widodo and Irwan, of the South Jakarta District Court, and Muhammad Ramadhan, Deputy Registrar of the East Jakarta District Court.

In addition, the KPK has also appointed a lawyer, Arif Fitrawan, and a private party, Martin P Silitonga, as suspects. Both are suspected of giving bribes.

Febri Diansyah, spokesman for the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK), revealed that Arif and Martin allegedly bribed the two judges for handling civil cases.

Initially, Arif and Martin planned to give 2 billion rupees to the two judges in charge of the civil case.

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"It turns out that when it was discussed with the substitute clerk, MR, actually treat– Rs 950 million. And we believe that what Judge MR has taught the judge is even smaller, about 650 million rupees, "said Febri at the KPK Red and White House in Jakarta on Wednesday (28.11.2018).

Ramadhan was an acting clerk of the South Jakarta District Court before being transferred to the East Jakarta District Court.

He would have served as liaison between the judges and the bribers.

The bribes were paid in rupees worth Rs 150 million and S $ 47,000. However, both judges have just received about 150 million rupees.

At the same time, the $ 47,000 that Singapore gave to the two judges via Ramadhan was confiscated by the KPK during a manual arrest operation.

See also: Two judges and a registrar registered as suspects in alleged corruption cases in South Jakarta District Court

Provision of funds related to the management of civil affairs Number 262 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PN Jaksel.

The case was registered on March 26, 2018 with the parties, namely the plaintiff on behalf of Achmad Achmad and the defendant Williem J.V Dongen as well as the defendants of PT APMR and Thomas Azali.

The civil suit consisted of the cancellation of the PT CLM acquisition agreement by PT APMR from the South Jakarta District Court.

"PT CLM has badets and shares, and then one of the parties that made PT CLM enter into an agreement with PT APMR, which acquired the shares of CLM," said Febri.

The plaintiff, Febri sued, objected to the acquisition and wanted to fully return the shares to PT CLM.

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"These are supposed to be taken care of by these people so that for two things the decision is not NO," said Febri.

The KPK suspects that the parties involved in the management of the civil case are Martin.

Martin is currently in detention at the District Attorney's Office in South Jakarta for alleged general criminal offenses.

"Some parties are supposed to be interested, even though he (Martin) was not an official plaintiff." The official plaintiff is Isrulah Achmad, "said Febri.

In this case, Iswahyu, Irwan and Ramadhan were suspected of having violated Article 12, letter c or Article 12, letter a or Article 11 of Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 relating to the eradication of corruption, Articles 55 -1 Penal Code.

In the meantime, Arif and Martin were suspected of having violated Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a or 5, paragraph 1, letter a or Article 13 of Law no. 31 of 1999 amended under Law No. 20 of 2001 on the Eradication of Corruption Crimes.

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