Recently engaged, Peek Photos Mesra Tasya Kamila and Randi Bachtiar on vacation

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TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Good news from the former little artist, Tasya Kamila

After graduating from the Department of Public Administration at Columbia University, USA, some time ago, Tasya was immediately dipinang.

25-year-old girl is proposed by her lover, Randi Bachtiar who memacarinya since 2012.

Has twice undergone a remote relationship, finally Randi proposed Tasya.

The residence of Tasya, Sunday (1/7/2018).

Shortly after the portrait of the engagement ceremony was broadcast on social media, the couple also posted a number of photos of special moments on their Instagram account. After 5.5 years together, we finally got engaged, " wrote Tasya on Instagram

(INSTAGRAM / @ tasyakamila)

The couple's engagement also garners various comments, especially congratulations from 19659003] LUE AS COMPLETE >>>

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