Recognize the symptoms of lung cancer before it's too late


If the cough is prolonged, you must be careful!

Dream Dream friends definitely had a cough. Cough often becomes a disease underestimated by society. In fact, various dangerous diseases result from the symptoms of coughing.

If you have an extended cough, Dream friends be careful, this could be a symptom of lung cancer. It is not uncommon that prolonged cough is often blood.

"If the cough for 4 weeks does not heal, there are signs of infection or tuberculosis.If 8 weeks do not heal, there could be a malignant tumor." So let's look at it. do not just consume stands, "said Alex Ginting. lung specialist in Gran Melia, South Jakarta, Wednesday, November 28, 2018.

This check also prevents handling delays. Moreover, if it is known, the patient has entered the final phase.

"Almost all patients who come to the hospital are at stages 3B to 4".

Symptoms of lung cancer

In addition to coughing, it does not cure. Other symptoms are not typical, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue with no apparent cause, swelling of the face or neck, headaches and bones, weight loss, hoarseness, difficulty in swallow and convex fingers.

The importance of recognizing symptoms and treatment at an early stage is not only to prevent the severity of the disease, but also to know the most appropriate healing method.

Examination method

"Everyone manages things differently, not just chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but to be more precise, you can do EGFR and ALK checks," he said.

With EGFR and ALK exams, doctors can determine the needs of a person's genotype.

However, this examination is quite expensive and is still rarely practiced on the market.

"The cost can go up to 6 digits – only in a number of places such as Dharmais, Siloam and other pharmaceutical companies," he added.

You can also choose general examination methods such as CT scan, abnormal blood tests, X-rays, and MRI. (Ism)

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