Recognize the victory of Wayan Koster, Rai Mantra Say Good – VIVA


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VIVA – Couple of candidates for the governor and vice-governor of Bali number 2, Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra-I Ketut Sudikerta (Mantra-Kerta) congratulated the candidate number 1 pair I Wayan Koster- Cokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Koster-Ace).

He follows the provisional results of the election of the governor (Pilgub) of Bali who put Koster-Ace as the winner. Kerta-Kerta's remarks were also supported after the finalization of the 19459008 People's Coalition of Bali (KRB) team, in which Koster-Ace's voice was baduredly superior.

Kerta-Kerta's congratulation to Koster-Ace was held at a press conference in Denpasar on Thursday, June 28, 2018.

"D after the calculation real account we got 42.44%, then, with Mr. Sudikerta on this occasion, I congratulated Mr. Koster and Cok Ace, "said Rai Mantra.

On this occasion, Rai Mantra also expressed gratitude to the team of winning volunteers as well as to the organizers as a whole. So that Pilkada can run smoothly and auspicious.

Since its inception, Mantra-Kerta has been committed to accepting any results from Bali Pilgub. The one elected is the choice of the Balinese people to respect.

"Many thanks to all levels of Balinese society who used their right to vote on June 27 yesterday in complete safety and peace," said Rai Mantra.

Based on the recap of the KRB team, Mantra-Kerta won 892,170 votes (42.44%) while the Koster-Ace pair won 1,210,134 votes (59.36%) .

Mantra-Kerta excels in the districts of Denpasar City, Klungkung and Karangasem. While the other six districts won the Koster-Ace pair.

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