Record of the alleged Jakmania convoy, persecuted Kijang drivers


JAKARTA, – A Toyota Kijang rider named Alex Saputra was defeated by a group of alleged Persija supporters, Jakmania, in Jalan Taman Kemang, South Jakarta, on Saturday (30/6 / 2018), around 9:30 pm.

Based on information received the incident began when Alex met the group alleged to have been Jakmania who was a convoy. Alex recorded the convoy with the help of his mobile phone

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Alex who thought that the followers of Persib were immediately pursued. The group that was in the convoy then damaged Alex's car and persecuted

  Toyota Kijang belonging to Alex Saputra who destroyed the alleged entourage of Jakmania to Jalan Taman Kemang, in South Jakarta, Saturday night (30/6/2018). The glbad of the car seems broken and scribbled in Persija's writing. DOK. POLRES METRO JAKARTA SELATAN Toyota Kijang owned by Alex Saputra destroyed by the alleged entourage Jakmania at Jalan Taman Kemang, South Jakarta, Saturday (30/6/2018) night. The glbad of the car looked broken and scribbled Persija writing

Criminal Polres Inventory Metro South Jakarta The AKBP Stefanus Tamuntuan justifies the incident. Stephen said, Alex reported the incident to the subway police of South Jakarta

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"Yeah, we are investigating, yes , "said Stefanus, when confirmed via a text message, Sunday (1/7/2018).

Stefanus said his side is currently gathering witnesses for questioning. "We are gathering witnesses to consider," said Stephen

Kompas TV Wanting to help the victim of a father and son in Lumajang, East Java was persecuted by a herd [19659012]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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