Regency Government of Pasuruan presses for TB transmission


TRIBUNJATIM.COM, PASURUAN – The regency government (Pemkab) Pasuruan still has duties to overcome the threat of tuberculosis in the regency of Pasuruan.

Cases of suspected TB patients continue to appear in Pasuruan. Until the first quarter of 2019, for example, it was suspected that at least 500 people had tuberculosis. Although not all have been tested for positive TB.

Agus Eko Iswahyudi, head of the Division of Disease Control and Eradication (P2P) of the Pasuruan District Health Unit, said his party was continuing to "search" for people suspected of having tuberculosis.

This step, he said, in an effort to curb its spread while preventing the patient's condition from becoming more serious.

According to him, if he is not treated correctly, it is not impossible, which leads to death. As a series of cases that occurred in 2017. At least 73 people with TB were declared dead.

"With early discovery, at least, it can save the soul, so as not to trigger casualties.As in 2018. Where, cases of TB-induced death have not been found," said Agus at

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According to Agus, the number of people suspected of tuberculosis continues to appear. In 2017, there were at least 2,393 cases. This number has increased in 2018. Where, 2,750 cases were found. While in 2019, there were findings suspecting TB up to 500 cases.

He explained that the treatment of those suffering from tuberculosis is continuing. Intensive treatment is done for healing.

"This treatment of TB takes a lot of time – maybe six months or more," he said.

Note that TB is a disease that is easily transmitted. The transmission can be done by spit saliva carried by the air. A weak endurance, will be easily attacked by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The characteristics of patients with tuberculosis can be observed from cough with phlegm that does not heal before two weeks. The trend is to expel phlegm mixed with blood. Shortness of breath or frequent chest pain and night sweats are symptoms of a disease that attacks the lungs.

In addition, a drastic decrease in appetite, frequent fever and easy bodily weakness are also other symptoms.

"So, if there are these features, feel free to do an exam," he added to

To prevent the transmission of tuberculosis, several methods can be used. One of them, maintaining the cleanliness of the body and the environment. In addition, it is also necessary to avoid contact with patients with active tuberculosis.

"Another important thing is improving healthy and nutritious lifestyles and diets, and BCG vaccination is also important to prevent the occurrence of more serious TB cases," he said. (see /

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