Rembes liquid in bed, Mytha Lestari and her husband panicked


JAKARTA, – The content of the singer Mytha Lestari (27 years old) has now entered the age of nine months. Mytha tells how she and her husband, Barry Maheswara, panicked when they found a liquid that seeped into their bed.

"It's been 36 weeks, already contraction so Yesterday was admitted to the hospital for the first time suddenly fit to sit on the waking mattress, loh kok liquid, what liquid ya, I continue to photograph, I send to my husband immediately panic seven circumference so "said Mytha at the launch of the story of a Broken Heart in a fast food restaurant in the Kemang region, South Jakarta, Wednesday (25/7/2018).

But after verification, it turns out that the liquid is not amniotic fluid

"And I do not think baseball is really sick. "Mytha

Also read: Attacked by fans of other singers, Mytha Lestari Pamit of Social Media

Although it is not amniotic water, n Amon Mytha and her husband are grateful to have experienced the event so that when the birth arrives, they feel accustomed and do not panic anymore.

"But finally thank you, thank God, there is a contraction that I become more mental, "says the singer of" Never Die ".

"So let him (husband) panic baseball ngadepin everything … For example, I'm a contraction, he panics, I panic tracking, mending him out of the room , "he said.

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